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[MZ00011] 쌀마들렌 세트/ Rice Madeleine 4 flavours in a box

[MZ00011] 쌀마들렌 세트/ Rice Madeleine 4 flavours in a box


Superman London & Hanok in London


한옥인런던은 영국에서 수제로 제작하는 한국 떡집입니다. 한국의 떡은 정성스러운 작업을 통해 주로 쌀, 단팥등 다양한 재료로 건강하게 완성됩니다. 현대적인 맛과 디자인을 기반으로 떡을 만듭니다. 쌀가루로 제작하여 글루텐프리, 채식주의자 분들도 드실 수 있습니다.


Korean rice cakes (떡. Tteok) are products of intense labour and love, made from healthy ingredients - typically rice, sweat bean and various spices such as cinnamon.

Originating from 400 B.C., traditional desserts are a key part of Korean culture.

Hanok in London provides handcrafted rice cakes, which are designed to be perfect for the modern taste, and aim to deliver healthy alternatives to flour-based baked goods. 


쌀마들렌 / Rice Madeleine 4 flavours

Four Flavours in a box


Lemon/ Earl Grey/Chocolate/ Matcha 

Ingredients: Rice flour, egg, sugar, butter (+lemon, Earl Grey powder, chocolate, matcha)

How to Keep
Eat it within 3 days or Keep it in the freezer

Out of Stock

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